Waivers for trampoline park
Date:2018-05-18 10:07:43 Views:2742
Assumption of Risk:
Participation in trampoline activities is an inherently dangerous recreational activity and involves a level of risk that each participant must evaluate on their own. By using this facility, you are assuming a risk of serious injury or death. WARNING!!! Catastrophic injury, paralysis or even death may result from failing to follow the rules below and due to inherent risks, sometimes even if all riles are followed.
Liability Waiver:
**A waiver is REQUIRED for all jumpers (NO EXCEPTIONS). Those under the age of 18
must have the agreement completed and signed by their parent or legal guardian.
By using the equipment and property at this facility, all guests of HOUSE OF JUMP are bound by the liability waiver.
Wristbands: NO one allowed on any court without a wristband.
We reserve the right to REVOKE anyone’s wristband.
Small kids area:
Only children 48 inches and under are allowed to participate in the little kids arena.
Dangerous Tricks:
No double flips. No tricks over safety pads. Perform tricks at your own risk only if you
have sufficient skill to avoid injury. Do not double bounce.
Resting: Do not sit or lie on the court. If you need to rest you must exit the court.
Clothes must be free of hanging zippers, belts and strings. Please remove jewelry.
Empty pockets and have nothing in mouth (gum, candy or other).
Be alert:
Be aware and considerate of those around you.
Jump with people that are similar size.
No climbing:
Do not climb on walls or netting.
No Rough-Housing:
No tackling or shoving. Rough-housing can also cause injury.
Foul language will not be tolerated:
The use of such is grounds for removal from the facility.
Absolutely no alcohol/drug/smoking use on or around the premises.