China Best Indoor Trampoline Park Builder


Liben as a professional and indoor trampoline park builder in China,we provide best quality with reasonable price trampoline parks.

we have finished more than 300 parks all over the world. This park project is our second trampoline park project in Israel, Congratulations to you!!

Liben New trampoline park project in Israel

(2 JUMP Trampoline Park)

liben project--2 jump trampoline park in Israel 

Liben Group is a leading China based designer and professional builder of commercial indoor trampoline park, offering competitive price and one-stop service.  This park is a completed custom design and it is our 3rd indoor gym trampoline park project for our client in Israel. It combines the trampoline park, including free jumping zone,  basketball trampoline zone and foam pit zone with climbing wall,dodgeball play zone and Free trampoline zone, etc...

Here we share some real project photos of Israel 2 JUMP trampoline park as belows:


As a professional indoor trampoline park builder, we'd like to offer a better view of the games in our indoor trampoline park design, the below is a brief introduction for each function area for better understanding:

1. Free Jumping Zone

The free jumping zone in trampoline park design is an area for bungee jumping without any limit. No matter you're a newbie or a professional, you'll always "jump"  your way out happily.



2. Dodgeball Zone

Dodgeball Zone is an area where your fighting will would be aroused. The dogeballs are the weapons against your "enemies". Always hit your target or dodge the balls. 


3. Basketball Zone

Is slam dunk difficult? Not at all in trampoline park. Basketball Zone is an area where you can dunk like a NBA super star. Doesn't it sounds awesome?


4. Foam Pit

Foam Pit in trampoline park design is like a diving pool full of soft foam blocks. You're safe to jump, or dive or free fall into the pit. Foam Block fight sounds a great idea as well. 


5. Gymnastic Jumping Zone

Gymnastic Jumping Zone in trampoline park design is a heaven for professionals to "show off" their jumping tricks, forward or backer somersaul, air walk onto the wall, etc. 


6. Ninja Course Area

Ninja course in trampoline park design is the newest trend for a comprehensive trampoline park. It's an area where you can be Tarzan.


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